Thursday, February 24, 2011

Once a Patriot...

...always a Patriot! Tonight's win against Northeastern (67-61) marks the 14th consecutive win for Mason, making them the #1 seed in next week's CAA Tournament. So sad to miss such an epic game but so very proud of my Alma mater! It would be the last home game of the season and also last for seniors Isaiah Tate and Cam Long. 

Patriots- if you haven't already, check out this video of Doc Nix and The Green Machine rockin' out to Rage Against The Machine!! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week #5: Un grande Sabato

In our last class, we discussed how brands such as Red Bull and Dunkin Donuts have capitalized on social media platforms to connect with their customers. Many companies have taken to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to interact with their fan base and create a sense of community. Just as Chris Anderson says in The Long Tail "We are turning from a mass market back into a niche nation, defined now not by our geography but by our interests." The most successful brands are those that have stepped outside of the box. Take for instance, the Louis Vuitton Facebook Page which has 1,888.829 "likes." The page is equipped with a "Mon Monogram" app allowing fans to design their own handbag, share it with friends and even have it produced! How cool is that?! Though this app and similar ones exist on the internet, even on company websites (LV's website included), these platforms have provided a way for people to engage and distribute as well as receive quick, real time information.

I must admit that the majority of the time, I find my news and information on Twitter and Facebook. This includes everything from hard news, entertainment, fashion, etc. One of my hobbies is trying out new restaurants. Though I could spend hours googling "cool restaurants" or checking out reviews on Yelp, I often get ideas from friends that post food pictures and statuses about where they're eating. Last week, my friend Samantha posted a picture of a dish she had ordered at an Italian restaurant called Acqua al 2 in Capitol Hill, with a caption "Blueberry and Balsamic Steak sampler. Just as good as Firenze." Blueberry and steak?? Being a foodie, I was immediately intruiged by this odd combination. I later asked her about it and she said she couldn't explain it and that it was just utterly amazing. I browsed their website and found out they were awarded "Restaurant of The Year" in 2010 and only had locations in DC, San Diego and Firenze, Italy. So with all these exciting tidbits, I booked a reservation for my boyfriend and I for our Valentine's Dinner, 3 days later. 

Assaggio di Secondi- Balsamic Steak, Steak topped with Parmesan, Blueberry Steak

The verdict? Ah-mazing. Great food, generous portions, good service and a laid back atmosphere. This past weekend was the first plan-free weekend in a while, so this place was ideal for a comfortable, chill but nice dinner. I've definitely added it to my list of favorites.

That's the power of social media. If it weren't for Sam posting the pic, I probably wouldn't have known about Acqua. Anderson also says "We are gregarious species, highly influenced by what others do." I'm definitely influenced by my friends and their opinions and are more inclined to trust them than random Yelpers. Through my blog, I'm able to capture and share my experiences and use multimedia as icing on the cake. Though I'm still finding ways to leverage the various tools, I have started a Gold Rushed Facebook page to engage with my family and friends. I could easily pick up the phone and tell them about my new blog but encouraging them to visit the page and see it for themselves makes it better. Visuals are more fun! Once they "like" the page, updates will appear in their Newsfeed as it becomes available. I have also used my personal Twitter account to update my followers whenever I have a new post.

The earlier part of last Saturday was spent perusing the Natural History Museum. I've been a couple times before but it's one of those places that you can't really get tired of, especially when you haven't gone in a while and there's plenty of new exhibits to see. Who knows, maybe after reading this, you'll be dieing to try some Blueberry steak or even inspired to take advantage of these random 70 degree February days and venture out to the Smithsonian... ;)

Pretty cool. 
 Butterflies and Plants- Partners in Evolution Exhibit

Butterfly hatching!

 Meet me at "The Elephant"

Orchids: A View From The East Exhibit- now until April 24th


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week #4: Keeping it Real

This past weekend, while doing some shopping in Richmond, I found a cute little book at Francesca's Collections that detailed personalities by birth date. I know these things are entirely just for fun but it was cool to see if they were even the least bit accurate. Here's mine:

In our Social Media class, we are discussing how letting your personality shine through can help you achieve success online. I believe this is also key in offline interactions. I must admit that this is something I struggle with. 

In January 2008, I had the opportunity to study International PR in London. Our first class was held at Porter Novelli and was lead by the firm's Principal at the time. We were asked to pitch an idea for student funding and present it to our class. She then critiqued each person's group and their presentation styles. The #1 piece of advice she had was to "have fun and be yourself." She explained that when people, particularly students are asked to give presentations, there is a tendency for them to become tense and let their nerves dominate them. They got hung up on delivering a "perfect pitch" and lose their innocence and personality. I try to remember her advice in my professional interactions, online and offline, but acting on it can be a challenge.
In Scott Rosenberg's Say Everything, a piece of advice from veteran bloggers is "Be real!" Rosenberg says "To blog, they say, is to present the truth about your life of the world as you see it." I think that's the beauty in blogging, the fact that you can essentially make it your own. True to my personality description (above), I am careful, exacting and capable in the handling of details but can also drive myself nuts by sometimes getting hung up on the small stuff. 

Just like Heather Armstrong in Say Everything, I too was excited knowing I could choose the design for my blog, the name and the content without having to meet a "client's" demands. I was my own client. My persona won't be blatantly displayed through my blog but I do feel that readers will see a glimpse of who I am through my blogging topics. It's kind of like when a friend says "I saw this top at the store and it is so you" or "You would love this song. Reminds me of something you would listen to!" Remember in the movie Blind Side when Sean described Michael as "an onion, you have to peel him back one layer at a time?" Well, I think this is the case with me. For example, I have found that I write differently than I speak and have been cautious about my entries, knowing they are visible to the world. Just like the onion metaphor, I think I'll become more comfortable with being myself as my blog progresses and won't be afraid to just keep it real.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week #3: It's all in your mind.

Remember in elementary school when our parents and teachers would say things like "You can do anything you put your mind to" or "Be the best you can be?" It seemed cheesy at the time, maybe even a little robotic but as I have gotten older, I have begun to see the true depth behind these words. I remember being so nit picky (even for a first grader) and how I would go through 10 sheets of paper before I was satisfied with the way I wrote my name. 

Fast forward to my first semester as a freshman in college. It was my first huge assignment, where I pulled an all nighter struggling to put together a portfolio of about eight 5-page essays. That night, in the middle of finishing up my third one, my computer crashed. I spent about an hour having a panic attack and the rest of the night typing my life away. Granted it was my first semester and I had 3 1/2 years ahead of me to learn how not to procrastinate, I vowed to myself to never allow that kind of stress on myself again. What happened to the nit picky first grader that always had to have her name perfect? Life happened. 

As we move through the hustle and bustle of life and get caught up in the daily "grind," whether it's work, school or both, it can be difficult at times to stay organized, to prioritize and even take a breather. It's as annoying as when people say things like "Live for the moment!" or "Stop and smell the roses." You know these are things you should do but it's easier said than done. I have found that even being a dedicated worker or student sometimes isn't enough and that you need to find a passion(s) or a hobby.

Learning to adopt this kind of mentality is where my passion for self development came from. The mind is a powerful thing. If you're calm, it's all in your mind and if you're nervous or scared, it's all in your mind. Only you have control over your thoughts. Though I am a self proclaimed quote/tip junkie, there is one blog that has influenced me greatly and it's Zen Habits. The author and creator Leo Babauta doesn't claim to be an expert or doctor. He is a normal guy-- a husband and father of 5. By making small changes in his life, he has achieved fairly large rewards including the ability to quit smoking, write a novel, eliminate debt and simplify his life. It's humble people like Leo and their inspiring stories that continue to motivate me to make the most in life and with what I have. Another website that has helped me is Real Simple, which features articles on lifestyle, health, food, beauty and fashion. 

Speaking of fashion, I love to distract myself on The Coveteur, a blog that allows viewers to browse the closets of various style forecasters and learn about their start into the industry. I also visit Cupcakes and Cashmere, The Glamourai and 9 to 5 Chic for my daily fashion fix. I especially enjoy the use of visuals and how they illuminate as well as complement the creativity of the authors.

Lastly, when I need the extra motivation or need to relax, the one thing that never fails is music. Though my taste is eclectic, I always find myself going back to hip hop and r&b. One of my favorite artists is Drake, who also happens to have a blog called Octobers Very Own. Like the blogs mentioned above, he too documents his experiences with visuals. He is an excellent lyricist and has proven to be one of the most versatile hip hop artists, even remaking Goapele's classic "Closer." You can find his version here. This particular song always reminds me of the mantras that were instilled as a kid, encouraging me to put my mind toward greater things and be the best I can be.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Prettie Treat

Once every couple weeks, after a long work week, I like to treat myself. They don't have to be the priciest treats either. Everyone likes to save a little cash when they shop and I'm a huge fan of finding high end designs at affordable prices. While you may need a little patience to shop at these stores (go on a day you have a little more time!) like Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx or Marshalls, it can be a lot of fun browsing and it's even better when you've struck gold and found a great steal.

I found these beauties by Vince Camuto at Nordstrom rack. They are called the "Prettie flats," off white cracked leather combined with a coiled metal and gemstone adornment. I can't wait for Spring to arrive so I can break them in! The final price after a markdown? $39. 90 -- amazing steal. Check out his full collection here!