Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week #7: Blessing in Disguise

The weather in DC has been anything but normal this winter. One week the weather man is calling for a snow storm and the next, we've got 70 degree weather. It seems pretty inevitable that with these crazy weather changes, we are more prone to getting sick. I can't blame 100% of my sickness on global warming though. For the last month or so, I've been spreading myself thin. As I mentioned in my previous post, I always get into a little funk in the late winter months. Working full time and being a grad student is most definitely rewarding but to stay on top of things, one must be persistent, have good time management and self care. Many people become so consumed with their work, projects and events, that they forget and find very little time to take care of themselves. As a result, they become stressed, feel drained, lethargic and unmotivated which make them more susceptible to colds.

I am in no way a health or time management expert but I am guilty of being one of those people that forget a little self TLC. I definitely can't say that I'm surprised that I've been fighting a week long cold right now. Here are some tips from personal experience that may help you stay on top of things, including your health. 

Do write yourself a daily to-do list. Some people use their phones and there are those that just have excellent memory. I find writing it down much easier. 

Don't wait until the last minute. Yes, I know-- easy to say, hard to do. My Mom always says "If you have something to do, do it now." No matter how big or small it is, whether it's a project or grocery shopping, you'll be happy that you got it out of the way. 

Do spend some time outdoors. Instead of getting on the treadmill, take a brisk walk outdoors. Studies have shown that 30 minutes outdoors can greatly improve your mood. This is especially easier to do with your furry friend! 

Don't over exert yourself when it comes to exercise. Studies have also shown that 30 minutes of cardio a day is all you need. 

Do indulge in some quality sleep. If you can't get the recommended 8 hours, aim for 7. You'll be happier during the day and you'll be able to think more clearly. 

Don't think negatively. Worrying or complaining about something will not make the situation better. Negativity is like a disease and it can be incredibly draining. Never let someone steal your joy. Resist feeding into the negativity of others.  Instead, try to find the solution or an opportunity in the situation and move on.  

Do occasionally treat yourself. Reward yourself after a long week or after you've tackled your page long to-do list. 

Don't deprive yourself of the foods you love. Like they say, everything is good in moderation. But if you fully deprive yourself of having Starbucks or cupcakes, you'll find yourself craving it more than ever and eventually over indulging. 

Do spend some time in the kitchen. For the past couple of weeks, I've found myself grabbing food on the go or eating out at restaurants 2-3 times a week for the sake of saving time. Though it saves a couple hours away from the kitchen right after work, it ends up being very costly. So, plan your meals and hit the store ahead of time. Even if you're not the best cook, it can be fun experimenting and learning! 

Lastly, Don't over plan. I am especially guilty of this as I love, love, love to plan. I would have a panic attack if I ever lost my planner. But, over-planning can lead you to become over-stressed. Allow yourself a couple of nights out of the week (if possible) or a full weekend of no plans. Stay in and hibernate-- sleep, relax and make Netflix your best friend. Remember that Italian saying from Eat Pray Love? "Bel far niente"- the beauty of doing nothing. Yes, still trying to master this.

Many of these tidbits are things I've learned from my family, friends and through surfing the net. Thank goodness for Google which makes questions like "How do I de-stress?" or "How do I get over a cold quickly?" seem normal when it shoots back a million answers. To make my blog more relevant to Google, I've been linking to rich text and also utilizing tags. Because the topics I blog about tend to be pretty random, I am hoping it will drive a diverse audience and will allow me to connect with a larger group of people. I'm sure this post will resonate with a lot of my peers, especially those who are busy bees and love to be on the go. Who knows, maybe even you could use a little more "me" time :) 


  1. So true Dyanne, get well soon! Keep blogging!

  2. Thanks for this, Dyanne! It was just the pick-me-up I needed today!

  3. Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  4. Thanks Dyanne! I totally love "self-help" blogs and I definitely look forward to the weekend of self indulgence on the couch watching a movie!!

  5. Thanks Allison! I definitely indulged over the weekend and feel so much better this week!!

  6. i absolutely in love with you blog!
