Monday, February 7, 2011

Week #3: It's all in your mind.

Remember in elementary school when our parents and teachers would say things like "You can do anything you put your mind to" or "Be the best you can be?" It seemed cheesy at the time, maybe even a little robotic but as I have gotten older, I have begun to see the true depth behind these words. I remember being so nit picky (even for a first grader) and how I would go through 10 sheets of paper before I was satisfied with the way I wrote my name. 

Fast forward to my first semester as a freshman in college. It was my first huge assignment, where I pulled an all nighter struggling to put together a portfolio of about eight 5-page essays. That night, in the middle of finishing up my third one, my computer crashed. I spent about an hour having a panic attack and the rest of the night typing my life away. Granted it was my first semester and I had 3 1/2 years ahead of me to learn how not to procrastinate, I vowed to myself to never allow that kind of stress on myself again. What happened to the nit picky first grader that always had to have her name perfect? Life happened. 

As we move through the hustle and bustle of life and get caught up in the daily "grind," whether it's work, school or both, it can be difficult at times to stay organized, to prioritize and even take a breather. It's as annoying as when people say things like "Live for the moment!" or "Stop and smell the roses." You know these are things you should do but it's easier said than done. I have found that even being a dedicated worker or student sometimes isn't enough and that you need to find a passion(s) or a hobby.

Learning to adopt this kind of mentality is where my passion for self development came from. The mind is a powerful thing. If you're calm, it's all in your mind and if you're nervous or scared, it's all in your mind. Only you have control over your thoughts. Though I am a self proclaimed quote/tip junkie, there is one blog that has influenced me greatly and it's Zen Habits. The author and creator Leo Babauta doesn't claim to be an expert or doctor. He is a normal guy-- a husband and father of 5. By making small changes in his life, he has achieved fairly large rewards including the ability to quit smoking, write a novel, eliminate debt and simplify his life. It's humble people like Leo and their inspiring stories that continue to motivate me to make the most in life and with what I have. Another website that has helped me is Real Simple, which features articles on lifestyle, health, food, beauty and fashion. 

Speaking of fashion, I love to distract myself on The Coveteur, a blog that allows viewers to browse the closets of various style forecasters and learn about their start into the industry. I also visit Cupcakes and Cashmere, The Glamourai and 9 to 5 Chic for my daily fashion fix. I especially enjoy the use of visuals and how they illuminate as well as complement the creativity of the authors.

Lastly, when I need the extra motivation or need to relax, the one thing that never fails is music. Though my taste is eclectic, I always find myself going back to hip hop and r&b. One of my favorite artists is Drake, who also happens to have a blog called Octobers Very Own. Like the blogs mentioned above, he too documents his experiences with visuals. He is an excellent lyricist and has proven to be one of the most versatile hip hop artists, even remaking Goapele's classic "Closer." You can find his version here. This particular song always reminds me of the mantras that were instilled as a kid, encouraging me to put my mind toward greater things and be the best I can be.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I am loving your blogs! As soon as I see that you have a new one, I rush to check it. With that being goes some corny stuff.

    Your newest blog has hit a spot! Especially this quest for self improvement...ok I don't think that was the specific term you used. Anyway, I call this year my year where I am focusing solely on me. Your blog hits some things I am going through, so thank you! Sounds corny, but I really loved it. I am also going to check out those blogs you mentioned :)
