Friday, January 21, 2011

Gold Rush

I have been battling the idea of blogging for some time now. I am continuously and easily inspired by my blogger friends and fashion/foodie bloggers but have been reluctant to put my words and ideas "out there." So when my Social Media professor informed us that we would have to maintain a blog for class, it seemed like the perfect excuse to finally jump on the bandwagon! 

So what have I been up to?

Well, the Mason Sweetheart Sixteen is over! My boyfriend Steven submitted our photos along with our story, a couple months back (without my knowledge!) in hopes to be chosen as finalists in our alma mater’s contest. As you may recall the exhilaration around Mason making the NCAA Final Four in ’06, the contest was designed to mirror March Madness. Sixteen couples were chosen on January 10th and we were one of them! Dubbed the “PR Dynamos,” the site read the story of how we met in spring of ’08 after co-founding Mason’s first ever student run firm Premier Communication. We were absolutely ecstatic and for the next two weeks, I would be absolutely consumed! We first phoned our families and told them about the contest and then took to Facebook and Twitter to spread the word to our friends. Seeing the votes come in during the first couple of days and getting texts and phone calls for updates was incredibly exciting so you could imagine how thrilled we were to make the “Engaging Eight.” After incessantly urging everyone to vote and checking the site for two weeks, we are pleased to end the contest as part of the “Final Four.” Though we weren’t #1, we’re incredibly grateful for our family, friends, professors and coworkers who voted and also know it will be well deserved for the winning couple. Ultimately, this was a reinforcement of the wonderful people we are blessed to know. Support, or even just the act of caring is one of those intangibles that give us strength, encouragement and the motivation to accomplish great things. And at the end of the day, that is undoubtedly priceless. 

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