Friday, April 22, 2011

Last MPPR 850 Post: Channeling My Inner Carrie

What a great semester it’s been! I have learned so much in a short amount of time. I am so glad we had the opportunity to blog. I always contemplated actually starting one and was secretly eager and excited that it was a requirement for the Social Media course. As a devoted Sex and The City fan, I always thought of how fun it would be to be Carrie for the day and write about my adventures, highs and lows and  random inspirations. This class has allowed me to channel my inner Carrie and has encouraged me to be expressive, creative and adventurous.

I enjoyed that we were given the freedom to choose our topics and to write about things that we were truly passionate about. In my Communication Planning class, one our guest speakers Eric, Creative Director of Mad Genius, said that one way to channel your creativity is to get closer to something that interests you and that you're passionate about. I enjoy being able to share my personal interests with others, especially in an academic setting, where this can otherwise be limited. 
My biggest challenge was finding time. I found that I really couldn’t plan my posts as many experienced bloggers do. The ideas just sort of came to me randomly. I did find that once I started writing, even if it was at 12 midnight, I was on a roll and couldn’t stop until I got everything out.  The same goes for anything though, the more you do it, the better you become at it. 
I would definitely like to continue blogging after the semester is done. My goal is to write more frequently and allot some time every couple of days to write and get my thoughts out. How my blog develops will be interesting, especially without having guidance on a given topic or answering a particular question. I believe this newfound hobby will help me grow both personally and professionally. It will also force me to be aware and stay on top of social media trends which are key, especially working in the Communications field. 
Thank you MPPR 850 for a great class! I hope you’ll continue to part of the Gold Rush ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi girl, I had to comment on my blog about this post. So many time I've pictured myself just like it!

    My post:
